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Science GK Trivia Quiz

Multiple Choice Options General Knowledge Trivia Quiz on Science


1. What is the chemical formula for water?

Answer (C) H2O


2. What does the Ozone layer restricts?

Answer (A) Ultraviolet radiation


3. Exposure to sunlight is good for human health because ___

Answer (C) Helps create Vitamin D


4. How long does it take our body to digest food?

Answer (C) About 12 Hours


5. Air is a form of ___

Answer (A) Gases


6. Vitamin B12 is most useful for combating___

Answer (C) Anemia


7. What natural process can convert nitrogen gas into nitrates?

Answer (B) Lightning


8. Which blood group is called the 'universal donor'?

Answer (D) O Negative


9. How many facial muscles are involved in speaking?

Answer (C) 70


10. What is the study of animal life called?

Answer (A) Zoology

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