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GK Quiz - Full Forms of Police Designations


We often talk about the different posts of police like DGP, DIP, DSP, SP, SO etc but not aware of the full forms of all these posts. Here we have prepared a list of full forms of these posts. 


Q.1) What is the full form of DGP?

 Answer - Director General of Police

Explanation- The Director General of Police (DGP) is the highest-ranking police officer in an Indian state of Union territory. The rank insignia of a Director General of Police or Commissioner of Police (in Delhi) is the national emblem over crossed sword and baton.


Q.2) What is the full form of ADGP?

 Answer- Additional Director General of Police

Explanation - ADGP's are considered junior to DGP's. The insignia of an ADG is the national emblem over a crossed sword and baton.


Q.3) What is the full form of IGP?

 Answer- Inspector General of Police

Explanation- In a state, an IGP holds the third-highest rank in the hierarchy, just below the rank of DDGP and above deputy inspector General of Police. IG-ranked wear Gorget patches on their collar.


Q.4) What is the full form of DIGP?

 Answer- Deputy Inspector General of Police

Explanation- As an alternative, DIGP can also be called 'DIG', which can stand for Deputy Inspector General. It is a rank held by Indian Police Service Officers who had successfully served as Senior Superintendent of Police or Deputy Commissioner of Police and got promoted to this rank.


Q.5) What is the full form of SP?

 Answer- Superintendent of Police

Explanation- They are the district head of non-metropolitan districts in India. They are entrusted with the powers and responsibility of maintaining law and order and related issues of a metropolitan district of a state or a union territory of India.


Q.6) What is the full form of DCP?

 Answer- Deputy Commissioner of Police

Explanation - This designation is exclusively applicable in metropolitan cities with a police commissioner as the city's Chief of Police.


Q.7) What is the full form of ASP?

 Answer- Additional Superintendent of Police

Explanation - ASPs have a 3-star badge and are also placed in non-metropolitan areas. So, the responsibilities included are not as prioritised as that of a DSP or an SP.


Q.8) What is the full form of PI?

 Answer - Police Inspector

ExplanationInspectors of police in India are typically the officers in charge at a police station. They are non-gazetted officers.


Q.9) What is the full form of API?

 Answer- Assistant Police Inspector

Explanation- This post is lower than that of the PI. They have the three-star insignia to indicate their position and they are high command officers.


Q.10) What is the full form of SI?

 Answer- Sub Inspector

Explanation- He is the lowest ranked officer who under Indian Police rules and regulations can file a charge sheet in court, and is usually the first investigating officer. The rank insignia for a sub-inspector is two (five point) stars, and a red and blue striped ribbon at the outer end of the shoulder straps.


 Q.11) What is the full form of ASI?

 Answer- Assistant Sub- Inspector

Explanation- ASI is a rank lower than that of the SI. They are a one-star ranked, non-gazetted police officer. Their uniform consists of a red-and-blue striped ribbon at the outer edge of the shoulder straps.


Q.12) What is the full form of HC?

 Answer – Head Constable

Explanation - Head constable in the Indian Police is equivalent the sergeant in police forces in other countries. Head constables wear three point-down chevrons on their sleeps or three bars on their epaulettes.


Q.13) What is the full form of CI?

 Answer- Circle Inspector

Explanation- They are police officers ranking equal to the DSP or ASP in the states of Rajasthan, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, and Uttarakhand. In other states, the same post is designated as DSP or ACP. CI is also addressed as CO, which stands for Circle Officer.


Q.14) What is the full form of SHO?

 Answer- Station House Officer

Explanation- They are in charge of the police station of the locality they are assigned to. SHOs are ranked above SIs and below DSPs. Alternatively, you can call them SO, which stands for Station Officer.

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