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MCQ Trivia Quiz on Science


1. Which of these metals is found in liquid state ?

Answer (a) Mercury


2. A push or pull on an object is called___.

Answer (b) Force


3. Sound cannot travel through___.

Answer (c) Vaccum


4. Which unit is used to measure frequency ?

Answer (d) Hertz


5. Which of these is the largest air pollutant ?

Answer (a) Carbon monoxide


6. Which organ of the human body does the Alzheimer’s disease affect ?

Answer (b) Brain


7. The salts formed by ____ are sensitive to light.

Answer (c) Silver


8. Which element has the highest electronegativity ?

Answer (b) Fluorine


9. What is the atomic number of hydrogen ?

Answer (a) 1


10. A common preservative used in pickles and juices is____

Answer (a) Sodium benzoate

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