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World History Quiz Questions


1. Which age is defined by the origin of the first stone tools?

Answer (b) Stone Age


2. Where did the US drop the atom bomb during World War II?

Answer (c) Japan


3. Vasco da Gama was a ____

Answer (a) Portuguese sailor


4. Which country gifted the statue of Liberty to USA in 1886?

Answer (c) France


5. Who was the first person to draw the map of the earth?

Answer (d) Anaximander


6. How many world wars have happened so far?

Answer (c) Two


7. Which of these was a famous Egyptian queen?

Answer (a) Cleopatra


8. The Cold War took place between which 2 countries after world War II?

Answer (d) Soviet Union and USA


9. Who was the 1st ever female Prime Minister of any Islamic country?

Answer (a) Benazir Bhutto


10. Who was the first explorer to sail round the world?

Answer (b) Ferdinand Magellan

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