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FIFA World Cup Trivia Quiz (II)

Multiple choice options general knowledge trivia quiz on FIFA World cup

1. Which Asian country hosted U-17 FIFA World Cup in 2017 for the first time?

2. Who was the only player to have won both FIFA U-17 and FIFA WC Finals?

3. Who was the youngest player to win the FIFA WC at the age of 17 years?

4. Which continent hosted the FIFA world cup for the 1st time in 2010?

5. Italy's footballer Chielline's shoulder was bit by ____in FIFA 2014 WC.

6. How many countries have won FIFA world cup till 2018?

7. In which country is the headquarters of FIFA located?

8. How many countries participated in 2018 FIFA World Cup?

9. How many teams from the Asian continent participated in 2018 FIFA WC?

10. How many times has Brazil won FIFA world cup till 2018?

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