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Recents in Beach

Science General Knowledge Q&A


Science General Knowledge Quiz for Students


1.      A device that converts chemical energy to electrical energy is called________

                Ans. Battery


2.      A ball pen functions on the principal of _______

Ans. Gravity


3.      The first man-made plastic that is bad conductor of heat was  _____

Ans. Bakelite


4.      Hanging valleys are formed due to the action of _____

Ans. Glaciers


5.      Which is the brightest planet as viewed from the earth?  

Ans. Venus


6.      How many types of tastes can the human tongue detect?

Ans. Five


7.      In which unit is the depth of the sea measured?

Ans. Fathom


8.      In a nuclear reactor, ______ is used as a fuel.  

Ans. Uranium


9.      In atmosphere, the lowermost layer is the _______

Ans. Troposphere


10.  Air pressure is lowest in which season?

Ans. Summer

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