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Recents in Beach

One word substitute for Fear (2) - GK


General Knowledge Quiz

 Do you know which fear is called what? No, let’s find out here-


1.      Nosophobia is the fear of __________

                Ans. Illness


2.      Vaccinophobia is the fear of __________

               Ans. Injections


3.      Ermitophobia is the fear of _________

               Ans. Birds


4.      Autophobia is a fear of_____

Ans. Being Alone


5.      Gamophobia is the fear of __________

Ans. Marriage


6.      Chrematophobia is the fear of __________

Ans. Money


7.      Nyctophobia is the fear of __________

Ans. Night


8.      Anthropophobia is the fear of __________

Ans. People


9.      Politicophobia is the fear of __________

Ans. Politics


10.  Peniaphobia is the fear of __________

Ans. Poverty


11.  Hypnophobia is the fear of _________

Ans. Sleep


12.  Tachophobia is the fear of __________

Ans. Speed


13.  Technophobia is the fear of __________

Ans. Technology


14.  Hodophobia is the fear of _________

Ans. Travel


15.  Hydrophobia is the fear of __________

Ans. Water

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