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Recents in Beach

One word Substitute for Fear- GK

General Knowledge Quiz

 Do you know what fear is called what? No, let’s find out here-


1.      Aerophobia is the fear of _____

                Ans. Air Travel


2.      Zoophobia is the fear of _____

               Ans. Animals


3.      Ornithophobia is the fear of _____

               Ans. Birds


4.      Hemophobia is an irrational and persistent fear of_____

Ans. Blood


5.      Cheimaphobia is the fear of _____

Ans. Cold


6.      Demophobia is the fear of _____

Ans. Crowd


7.      Thanatophobia is the fear of _____

Ans. Death


8.      Bathophobia is the fear of _____

Ans. Depth


9.      Febriphobia is the fear of _____

Ans. Fever


10.  Pyrophobia is the fear of _____

Ans. Fire


11.  Cibophobia is defined as the fear of ____

Ans. Food


12.  Xenophobia is the fear of _____

Ans. Foreigners


13.  Bacteriophobia is the fear of _____

Ans. Germs


14.  Phasmophobia is an intense fear of ____

Ans. Ghosts


15.  Theophobia is the fear of _____

Ans. God

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